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Service: Educational Services


How does this child learn best?

What does this child need to thrive?

How can we best support your child?


Sometimes our children’s ability to manage their emotions or mindset cast a shadow over the things that make them great. 

At ALIVE we honor each person’s individuality and work to build firm bridges between unique strengths and any existent gaps in academic skills and/or social skills. 

At ALIVE we offer A Different Approach that integrates behavioral support with learning.

Do you want your child to be independent, self-reliant, self-aware and value who they are? 

We foster lifelong learners who use higher order thinking skills to address novel situations. We teach critical thinking, growth mindset, personal interest, personal development, emotional awareness, and cultural relevance. 

Individualized Services:
Subject Based Tutoring
Social Emotional Learning
School-based Behavior Management
Creating and implementing individualized learning plans

Clients range:
Toddlers / Preschoolers (ages 3 to 6)
Children (ages 6 to 10)
Preteens / Tweens (ages 11 to 13)
Adolescents / Teenagers (ages 14 to 19)
Expecting Parents
Parents / Caretakers
Teachers / School Administration

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