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Service: Behavior Therapy



Behavior Therapy decreases behaviors that interfere with an individual's ability to thrive in their environment. This includes individuals who are not learning because they are crying, repetitively pacing, inattentive, noncompliant, etc. The therapy sessions are scheduled two to five days per week depending on the severity of the behaviors.

Social Skills Training

Social Skills Training (SST) is used to help those with anxiety disorders, mood disorders, personality disorders and other diagnoses. This type of therapy is used to increase an individual’s social competence, or their ability to effectively interact with friends, family and colleagues. Social skills include, but are not limited to:
• Eye contact with others during conversation
• Smiling when greeting people
• Shaking hands when meeting someone
• Using the right tone and volume of voice
• Sustaining conversations: Knowing how to ask and answer questions, give and receive compliments.
• Empathy
• Expressing opinions to others
• Perceiving how others are feeling and showing empathy
• Appropriate emotional responses (e.g. crying when something sad happens; laughing when someone says something funny)


Trauma Informed Care

Safety, Connections, and Managing Emotions are three pillars of helping families to heal from trauma. By building a safe space for reflection, vulnerability and visualizing Dr. Shannon empowers individuals to overcome habits and practices that impede growth and prevent one from living a meaningful life.


In Home and Child Care ABA Services

To maximize treatment and patients’ access to continual and effective care, ALIVE provides in-home ABA intervention. We the develop treatment/behavior plans with objective and measurable goals. Our services include a detailed initial assessment of the child’s ability, the development of appropriate goals, and treatment methods with the natural environment in mind. This often presents unique opportunities to incorporate parents and siblings in therapy.

Home-based care also allows Applied Behavior Analysts to meet regularly with the family to review the child’s progress and make treatment adjustments as needed.

Home-based ABA therapy provides analysts with the opportunity to improve a child’s:
• Academics
• Family Interactions (e.g., performing chores, shopping, eating out, etc.)
• Independence
• Self-help skills (e.g., toilet training, self-dressing, self-care, eating, etc.)
• Social Skills
• Verbal Behavior

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